Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Junk Lovin Wednesday and Happy March!

I'm sorry for being so late with my post today.  I had lots to do, today!  So, what else is new?! (sarcasm)

Another one of my collections (besides vintage sewing machines) is Mary Engelbreit prints and items.  Her things are so colorful and happy!  So, when I saw this item in one of my local thrift stores for $5...

...need I say more!

I use this ceramic piece as storage for my special ribbons I use in crafting/sewing!  It's such a 'happy' piece!

Happy March!  St. Patrick's Day; the start of crafting Spring and Easter; and most importantly, my wedding anniversary!

Until next time...Peace and Junk Love!


Carrie said...

aww this is so cute! ooo happy anniversary!

Deborah said...

That really is a pretty piece. Happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy, I am glad to find your site. Your profile and writing by Napoleon Hill reminded me of a Mrs. Oliver that taught me to quilt. I blogged about her a couple days ago. I also try to quilt by that philosopy. And what a Wonderful gift you are giving to your daughter...The hand crank Singer! I have my grandmother's old Singer about that era. In the 1950's GM had a new motor put on it, and now it needs some new wirering because you get shocked everytime you touch it. LOL Not condusive to wanting to sew! LOL Anyways I love your blogs! I'll look forward to watching your blog!

The Beaded Pillow said...

Happy Anniversary, Stacy ~ and many more! We're going on 29 in June. Woo hoo! :D Karen

SEWButterfly said...

Thank you all for visiting and all of your wonderful comments!

@Cathy - This will be my first time converting a sewing machine to a hand crank. Looking forward to it; I will also need to find a nice box for it!

MooBear Designs said...

That is the cutest little thing. Fairies could live in it if your not careful!! xo Steph