Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Junk Love...Punch Needle

Could not let this one get away!

...2 collapsible crates full of punch needle embroidery floss and yarn for needle work.  Including the punch needles (in a handmade case)!

Also in one of the crates, a round tin full of more yarns and other materials for punch needle!

Now, I'll have to learn how to punch needle!  Not a problem!  I find so many helpful videos on YouTube.  Here is one from Creative Classes, Introduction to Punch Needle!  Here's a website on How-to Punch Needle Embroidery!  I'm sure I could probably find classes to attend in person.  It's exciting to learn a new craft!

Until next time...Peace and Junk Love!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Everything At Once!


It's been a month since my last post!

Life...hmmmm!  Mom came for a visit about 3 weeks ago.  Always love when my Mom and Dad visit and this visit was much needed!  No matter how old we (I) get, there always comes a time when we (I) need mom!  Getting grandson in daycare and he (and his mom) being comfortable with daycare; helping daughter prepare for a move in a couple of weeks.  Teenage daughter DRAMA; and, hubby working out of town; us missing each other and me being HERE with it ALL!  WHEW!  I needed some down time! I kept up with my sewing, knitting, and quilting to keep my sanity, but had not 'journaled' (i.e., blogged)!

Last week I visited one of my favorite thrift store's new space, which is closer to my home....uh-oh!  My Junk Love find was fabric.  Take a look!


I like to share my son, Charlie's Junk Love find!  Charlie loves anything about space, planets, and the solar system!  He found some cool vintage books at school that he can keep!

I remember Wonder Books when I was a kid!  This book is dated 1971.

And, this book is by Scholastic Books, 1975.

Now, for my quilting 'blooper'!  I desperately wanted to do a hexagon quilt.  However, it called for Equilateral Triangle Ruler to make the 60 degree, 4.5" triangles.  I do not own one of these, but I know how to measure!...or, so I thought!  I cut 'crooked' triangles from 24 pairs of 2.5" strips sewn together!  Don't know exactly, how many that is...but, it's A LOT!

Started sewing the triangles together to make half-hexagons per row, and the rows are crooked!  Now, I have a quilt bag full of 'crooked' triangles and not sure what I'll do with them.  However, I WILL purchase the triangle rulers to 'properly' cut and finally make my hexagon quilt!

In the meantime, I've cut some fabric to make a four-patch quilt and a split-rail fence block quilt!
 Thanks for visiting, letting me share and having me back!

HAPPY SEWING!  Peace, and Junk Love!