Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another man's trash...another's treasure! Junk Love Wednesday

I don't know if I can really call this Junk, however, I did find 4 of these in a local thrift store for less than $5 each - complete!  I mailed two to my sister and niece; and, kept 2 for my daughters and myself!

I tried it this past week...and, I'm hooked (pun, intended)!  I made a cowl neckwarmer, that even I can wear here in Florida.  During the summers, the air conditioning can be brutal in most places!  And, I'm at that age where I'm getting more aches. ;D

I found some really cool YouTube video tutorials for using these type and other looms!  I plan to make hats for babies...

...aren't these yarns yummy?  Another find in the thrift store!

I also, plan to make more cowl neckwarmers, hats for everyone, bath sponges...and, socks!

Nothing takes away from hand knitting...the looms are a different knitting experience (as the package says).

Have fun...
Peace and Junk Love!


Sewicked said...

I love my knitting looms. I have the whole set; round, long, oval, different sizes, I think that I have them all. I made myself a double knit scarf (using long oval loom, going back & forth instead of around) just in time for this year's unusually cold weather.

Deborah said...

You sure do know how to find good stuff!

Libby said...

I found a set earlier this year at a thrift store, but I haven't tried them out yet. I'd love to see your neckwarmer. :-)

SEWButterfly said...

@Sewicked WOW! I hope I can find the long oval ones. I saw on YouTube that someone made vintage flowers from these looms.

@Deborah I will have to say that my local thrift stores have been good to me! ;D

A Blessed Day in the Life... said...

Girl, you struck GOLD to me! :-)

Carrie said...

great finds! i love thrifted yarn :) x