Saturday, July 18, 2009

looking for suggestions

I love garage sales! Who doesn't, huh?

I picked up these beautiful vintage cotton tea towels and an embroidered napkins and placemat set.

My first thought was to make aprons from the tea towels. But, I would like other ideas. What about the embroidered pieces...I have four cloth napkins and four cloth placemats?

I need your help...what should I create using these beautiful pieces?


Sherry Goodloe said...

You should know what MY suggestion is . . . PILLOWS!! :)

SEWButterfly said...

LOL! Thanks Sherry! That seems to be the most popular vote.

Nat Palaskas said...

Hi Stacy, I know this post was quite old, but I have suggestion when I saw these embroidered tea towels. Check my Valentine's post for an idea:
Hugs Nat