Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fishermen's Warm Up Hat...Finished!

I finally finished knitting his cap and it came out quite well! He really likes the ear flaps! It goes well with his twisted beard! Arghhhh!

Thanks for visiting! HAPPY KNITTING!


Sherry Goodloe said...

Nice job there . . . and it fits your hubby good as well!

However, I just came from outside on my patio because it feels like it's 100 degrees today, so your knitted fisherman's hat is making me hotter! LOL

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

Great hat! I love the twisted beard, too!

Willa said...

I was so going to say that hat is making me hotter. The office air conditioner was sooo broken today.. Arrrgh!

SEWButterfly said...

Thank you all for your nice comments. However, it is like 100 degrees here MOST of the time! So, I had to think of my hometown, Chicago, in the winter while I knitted this hat! ;D

laura west kong said...

Great hat! Looking at it I can almost pretend that it's cool enough to wear one (the air conditioner is working here)