Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Instant Gratification

I've been under the weather a bit.

And, my constant project at the moment is knitted dishcloths.

I wanted to sew something quick! I just got my new biz cards and needed a new card holder!

So, back to bed, I go to rest and knit more dishcloths...satisfied!



Red Hen said...

Just got back to blogging after a long break from everything and had to drop by and see your newest projects. Your creativity is amazing. And your sewing skills are enviable.

Love your work!

Joyful said...

Love those knitted dishcloths. They take no time at all and are relaxing to make. I hope you get well soon.

Libby said...

These are lovely dishcloths and the business card holder is adorable. Glad you're feeling better. :-)

DragonPoodle said...

Hope you feel better soon. Crafting is a soothing sanity-saver for many of us!

Willa said...

Welcome Back! I need to join you, but first I have to make something!!!