Thursday, November 24, 2011

Let's Catch-Up!

Drastic changes in my life from October 2010 to now!  But, I've kept to my creativity!

I created this Art Bra for Florida Hospital Fish Memorial's, Braz for the Cauz Auction; to raise money for uninsured women to have mammograms.

...the materials and my thoughts;

...idea in motion;

...theme = "Ice Cream Dreams", which represent hope and happiness!

And, that's what we need to hold on to, 'HOPE'!



Lizzie Barbie said...

Hey butterfly I've missed you. The bra is awesome, it looks like one I'm working on almost, mine is red and I'm putting some white and red lace and some beads on mine, although I didn't make it for the same cause...
Have a great Thanksgiving.

Libby said...

Very cool creations and for such a wonderful cause. Love the new layout on your blog.

DragonPoodle said...

Nice to see that you are back.
The bra is wonderful!

SEWButterfly said...

Thank you, ladies!

Hey Bellydancer, would love to see your creation!

Thank you, Libby...change is good!

DragonPoodle...It feels good to be back!