Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First Quilt and First-Time Sewing

This talented 10-year old young lady is my niece. And, this was her very first-time learning to sew. Oh, I would have loved to be the one who taught her...but, it would've been hard to do long distance. My mom taught her to knit and just like her aunt (me), she picked-up that skill quickly! She's a crafty kid.

(and, she's wearing one of the headbands I made for her)

My sister enrolled her in a sewing course and her first project was a quilt. Well, my niece completed the quilt (and, the course) in just, one week!


Needless to say, she did a very good job and I am so very proud! I wish I was nearby to take her fabric/craft shopping; hanging out in thrift stores to find things to re-fashion and recycle. I keep in my heart, that we will be able to work on projects together soon!

This blog post is dedicated to my niece, Chelsea. Good job, and...I love you!


PJStewart said...

This is so nice. This is a beautiful quilt. Did you know that quiltmaking was a valuable tool for us during the time of slavery? They were used as markers for the underground railroad. There were messages hidden in them.

przdance said...

What a beautiful quilt!
Praise God!

JC said...

So inspiring! Your niece did this beautiful quilt in one week and as a first time sewer?! It looks great! I know you'll be encouraging her to keep it up. Next thing you know, others will be asking her to sew for them!

MooBear Designs said...

That is so awesome!! You would be proud as punch girl!! I haven't even tried a quilt like that but seeing this maybe Moo should make one!!

Something I learned today - They were used as markers for the underground railroad. There were messages hidden in them. Thanks PJStewart.

xo Steph

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

That's a great quilt! It's so big, too!! Great job!