Saturday, May 9, 2009

Maritza Is Cooking in My Kitchen

During the time of the "Big Chop" of my hair, I believe that I'm going through another metamorphosis of my life. Not only my hair, but other aspects in my life. My husband and I vowed healthy eating and living for our family. He would love to come off of insulin! And, I've been hospitalized twice for some heart 'mishaps'. According to my doc, I am clinically obese (WOW) and I need to lose 90 lbs to be at my healthy weight. How did this happen?

I was always an active person. I would ride a bike anywhere and was able to maintain my small figure until about 5 years ago (I'm 45 years old, now). A lot of my weight gain came from 1. stress; 2. bad eating habits; 3. complacency. I would go to work, come home tired emotionally and physically (on the way home grabbing fast food), shower the kids and myself, then bed! Exercise?...who has time? I didn't!

I have a whom I like to mention that always encourages and checks on me! My friend Maritza. When I decided to live healthy, Maritza and I had a long conversation on healthy eating (not dieting, as she says and will correct you when you say the 'd' word), vitamins and 'keeping your body moving'! (Maritza) "I know you work from home, but you can move your body while you work, let me tell you how..." She listens to you and tries to help you with your goals. She believes in helping you look good inside and out!

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Through determination and support, we will be able to form a good habit of healthy living! Please go to Martiza's blog to see "What She's Cooked Up"! She says, 'Healthy Eating is NOT Boring'! And, believe me she has a million ways for you to cook something healthy. Whether she suggest taking out a fattening ingredient and replacing with a healthy ingredient, or she will simply try different versions and share.

Thank you, Maritza for your continued support!


Maritza Luciano said...

Thank you so much Stacy! You know I am always here to help you and any of your friends in any way I can. By popular demand.... I will be doing "skype" and talking about healthy living.

Blessings! and continued success!!!
Sending you a big hug,

Diana's Gift Shop said...

What a nice blog !
I too LOVE to sew and LOVE vintage fabrics - are we twins - LOL

I also understand how it feels to gain weight when it sneaks up on you.
I have a genetic disorder that is slowly crippling me.
I was always so active and now I am not allowed to do any exercise because my joints dislocate very easily.
I so love to walk, but can't much anymore.

I am staying very busy working in my organic gardens, formulating my all natural products, hand sewing home spa items and sachets...

I make aprons too, but I love finding old ones at yard sales and flea markets...
I enjoy the treasure hunt of looking for vintage fabrics, clothing, kitchen items and old sewing items - I have 3 old Singer Treadle sewing machines ;)
I use them as displays in my little gift shop.
I love them and will use them to sew a few bigger items, but my favorite thing is sewing or embroidering by hand.
It is my therapy - holding the fabric and turning it into something special and one-of-a-kind is an awesome feeling.

I am joining your blog today !
Do you Twitter ?
I am @Relax_Naturally

Have a good day !

Organically Yours,