Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Organized Mess

I woke up this morning in full inspiration and so many creative ideas running through my mind! I would sew a doll using my daughter's picture as the design; sew purses; work on more t-shirt recons (reconstruction); varnish a cigar box I've painted and revamped; and, so on. SO MANY IDEAS running through my head!

Well, I got children off to school; cleaned the house; prepped my area, and the unmentionable happened...I got stuck! I mean, like paralyzed for about 2 hours. It was like a 'creative meltdown' or 'overload'. What do I do?

Went for a drive to my local JoAnn store and when I returned, I was feeling a bit o.k. First project, was to cut out the pattern pieces of my daughter's doll design. I then, decided to work on one of my dolls.

I think I'll paint her instead of sewing clothes for her. I'm not sure, I'll just play around in my organized mess!

Does anyone suffer with these 'creative meltdowns' or 'overloads'? What cures you?

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