Tuesday, April 21, 2009


First, I would like to thank all of the participants. I will have other giveaways soon! This was my first giveaway and it was a lot of fun!

So without further ado, the winner is...Sherry from Got Art? Congratulations!

Please check out Sherry's blog http://gotart4u.blogspot.com, to see her beautiful work and, where there is a wonderful collage piece for giveaway! I think I'm going to enter! Hurry...before I do!

Once again, Congratulations Sherry!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

DIY Black Hair Care Treatments

As you all have seen, I have transitioned back to my beautiful natural locs! And, I am a do-it-yourself-er.

I search and search for hair care treatments for my hair. Black hair needs LOTS, LOTS of moisture and more so when living in high humidity areas (like Florida) and drastic climate changes. I also wanted to find products I could make myself.

I would like to share with you a few conditioning recipes from Motown Girl website. Try these at home and let me know how they work for you?

Here's the link http://motowngirl.com/content/Hair-Recipes/Leave-In-Conditioner-Recipes.html or you can click on the title of this post to go directly to the page.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Organized Mess

I woke up this morning in full inspiration and so many creative ideas running through my mind! I would sew a doll using my daughter's picture as the design; sew purses; work on more t-shirt recons (reconstruction); varnish a cigar box I've painted and revamped; and, so on...so on...so on. SO MANY IDEAS running through my head!

Well, I got children off to school; cleaned the house; prepped my area, and the unmentionable happened...I got stuck! I mean, like paralyzed for about 2 hours. It was like a 'creative meltdown' or 'overload'. What do I do?

Went for a drive to my local JoAnn store and when I returned, I was feeling a bit o.k. First project, was to cut out the pattern pieces of my daughter's doll design. I then, decided to work on one of my dolls.

I think I'll paint her instead of sewing clothes for her. I'm not sure, I'll just play around in my organized mess!

Does anyone suffer with these 'creative meltdowns' or 'overloads'? What cures you?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The BIG CHOP! (My Metamorphosis)

I did the BIG CHOP! Cut all of my hair down to an inch in February. I've decided to have a healthy head of hair and needed to cut all of the chemicals out. I am going 'au naturel'.

Also, my husband and I decided to live and eat healthy. We've changed our eating habits and try to exercise more frequently. With my new hair, this makes life so much easier and me more willing to workout. The summers here in Florida are brutal! And, the heat kills your hair, especially if you have some kind of chemical treatment (i.e., perms, relaxers, color, etc.).

Usually men (my husband, included) have a fit when you cut your hair really short (I've only done this once before). He loved it!...

I love it! I feel FREE!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Giveaway!!!

I am celebrating my birthday on Monday and I am having a giveaway! Everyone loves a giveaway! I know that I do.

This cute set of 3 pincushions made from vintage hankies.

"Happy Birthday Giveaway" starts Monday, 13 April through Monday, 20 April, 2009. The winner will be revealed on Tuesday, 21 April, 2009.

To participate, simply leave a comment and please include an email address.

Good wishes to all of the participants!

Monday, April 6, 2009

T-Shirt to Halter Tutorial

My teenage daughter loves her t-shirts! We did spring cleaning in her packed closet and she refused to get rid of her t-shirts. I told her we would put them into a bag until I could think of what to do with them. My first thoughts were donation or car rags. After I calmed, I had to think of how to recycle these t-shirts. Pillows, totes, etc. I needed to do something fresh. So, it's been pretty warm here (80 degrees +) and decided on a halter. Now the 6 year old wants her t-shirts recycled into halters.

It's really easy to do and I'll show you how!

Start with a t-shirt; scissors; trim or ribbon (for tie); 1/2" wide elastic; pie tin or french curve ruler. And, of course thread to match and sewing machine.

Cut the front and the back of t-shirt as follows:

Cut off the ribbing of the t-shirt.

Fold the t-shirt about 1/8" toward the wrong side at the sleeve and neck areas; stitch. At the neckline, fold another 3/4" creating a casing for the trim to feed through; stitch.

Cut a length of elastic to fit across the back for desired fit. At the back, fold t-shirt 3/4" toward the wrong side with the elastic encased in the fold. Pin the elastic short ends in place. Stretch the elastic as you sew, stitch down the elastic middle to secure. See pic below.

Pin a safety pin to one trim or ribbon short end. Thread/feed the pinned end through the neck casing. Gather the t-shirt at the neckline. Make sure the trim/ribbon is long enough to tie around neck. Remove the pin; cut and knot the trim/ribbon ends.

You're done!

Have fun!