Wednesday, March 11, 2009

SEWed UP...Smock Tutorial

Well, it's been rather warm here in Florida and I needed to make quick smocks for my daughter. I got cotton fabrics from my stash and pillowcases. They turned out rather well! This is my first tutorial and I hope you like it!


Materials needed:
1/4 yard fabric (bodice front and back; and bodice facing). I used fabrics from my stash.
1/2 yard fabric (skirt/dress front and back). I used a pillowcase for one of the dresses.
scrap fabric for straps

Bodice and facing: across top of bust underarm-to-underarm; add 5/8" for seam allowance. Also, top of bust to under the bust.
Skirt/dress: under bust underarm-to-underarm; add 5/8" for seam allowance. That measurement mutliply by 2 (for gathering).

(The pattern above is the bodice front and back; and facing front and back. The fold line is the centerfront.)

Cutting: bodice = cut 4 on fold (2 for bodice and 2 for facing); skirt/dress = cut 2; straps = cut 2 @ 3" wide (I made my 13" in length).


Right sides together, fold strap lengthwise and stitch the length. Turn strap right side out; press with stitching in center of strap. Turn in one of the short end about 1/8" and press; stitch close. Leave other end open. Repeat steps for other strap.

Bodice: with right sides together (front and back), stitch side seams; press seams open. Repeat for facing.
On right side of bodice back, measure in 1/2" from sides and pin strap raw edge to raw edge of bodice (with center seam facing up) and machine baste. Repeat on other side of bodice with other strap.

Right sides together of bodice and facing, stitch all around the top and underarm leaving the bottom of bodice open. Clip corners; turn right side out and press. Baste bottom of bodice close.

Skirt/dress: with right sides together, sew side seams and press open. Make a basting stitch around width of skirt and another basting stitch about a 1/2" below the first.

Right sides together of bodice and skirt; pin side seams together, then pull thread to gather to fit rest of bodice. Stitch bodice to skirt. Cut excess fabric; press seam towards bodice. Turn smock right side out. Stitch hem.

To fasten straps to front of bodice, you can use buttons with buttonholes; loops to tie straps; or whatever your desire!

And, you're done! These are also great for the pool area and beach.



Unknown said...

Hey, my daughter's a real life model!!!

Awesome tutorial wife. You put a lot of work into this, and it shows. Keep up the awesome work!!!

Catwalk Creative Vintage said...

Your daughter is soooooo cute! Your sewing isn't bad either! lol! Ingenious idea to use pillow cases. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. xxx